Awarded and Commended at various festivals around the World:
WildArt – Photographer of the Year, UK
36th International Festival of Diving Films and Photographs, Slovakia
Festival de la Camargue, France
BioPhoto Contest, Italy
Glanzlichter, Germany
Drone Awards/Siena Photography Awards, Italy
Budapest International Foto Awards, Hungary
Px3 Photographic Awards, France
Cadíz PhotoNature, Spain
AVES Bird Picture Competition Emotion'Ailes, Belgium
British Wildlife Photography Awards, Great Britain
Golden Turtle Photography Festival, Russia
Naturart WPOTY, Hungary
NARAVA Festival, Slovenia
Sajtófotó, Hungary
Festival de l'Oiseau, France
XX. MontPhoto, Spain
Submarine UW competition, Hungary
X., XIII Hungarian UW Festival, Hungary
Underwater Images festival, USA
Beneath the Sea festival, USA
Windland Rice NBP , USA
World Photography Gala Awards, USA
International Photo Awards, USA
CIWEM Enviromental POTY, UK
Golden Dolphin Festival, Russia
PAF Tachov, Czech Republic
Memorial Maire Louisa, Spain
Asferico, Italy
Oasis Photo Contest, Italy
Marmara Underwater Festival, Turkey